How to add your URL to our website:

In general we welcome links pointing to us.  However, you must first contact us for permission if you intend to display our website inside a frame page, or incorporate any part of it into a different website in any manner.  
All links have to be made to our homepage.  If you would like to link to one of our sub-pages, you must request permission first by emailing us with the page you would like to link to.
We do not authorize anyone to link to our website from any website or webpage that in any way has illegal , obscene or offensive content  or if the link has in any way a negative or potentially negative impact on's reputation, as determined by, at its sole discretion.  
By linking to our website you agree with the above terms and conditions. 
In order to list your URL as a link we request that  you list our link (text link or banner link)  on your website.  Please EMAIL US when you have added our link.  We will then verify its existence and add your URL to the appropriate link page on our website.  
Text Link ( just copy and paste ):

Hawaii Volcano Gallery & Volcano Visitor Center 
For the best "Local" source of Volcano Visitor Information and local arts and crafts go visit .  Lots of FREE information for Volcano Village and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, complete business and lodging directory, along with unique handmade arts and crafts, including the largest selection of unique handmade Koa Wood Gifts online!


To place  a banner on your website:
  • right-click on any of the two banners shown, and
  • select "save target as", and save file to your hard drive, and
  • place it on your website, and link the banner to

Our banner: 

vgbanner.gif (10222 bytes)
Link to

vgbanner.gif (10222 bytes)
Link to

* We reserve the right to refuse any link exchange at our discretion,
based on website content. 



 Volcano Gallery / Volcano Lodging, P.O. Box 699, Volcano Village, Big Island of Hawaii (Hawaii) 96785
Phone ( Local / Int'l) 808-967-8617    Toll-Free ( USA) 800-908-9764 
Email Us
last edited:  April 10, 2015 - Copyright 1998-2015, Volcano Gallery, Volcano Lodging,  Div. of Rainbow Moon / Islandsource
HVCB Member
Volcano, Hawaii - All rights reserved  
- * Not responsible for typographical errors.  Rates / Prices subject to change without notice.
We reserve to right to refuse service at our discretion

Broken Link? Problems? Please email webmaster
This website created and maintained by Arnopole & Associates, Volcano Hawaii